The annual prize aims to recognise students with excellent research and communication skills, both in written and oral format. There are three categories of awards: the Keene Domus Prize for research in any academic area; the Dobson Prize for students in the MPLS division, and the Busuttil Domus Prize for research in the areas of Business, Criminology, Government, International Relations, Law or Politics.
All of the presentations were of an exemplary standard and the winners in each category were:
Keene: Jonathan Walls
Busuttil: Julian Applebaum
Dobson: Hannah Shrader
Jonathan, who won the Keene Prize, said of the experience;
“It was a blast to get to talk about my work with Hittite metrical phonology, and I think it was even more fun getting to hear all the great presentations from all the other speakers! I loved the challenge that was set for us of communicating our research in a short, digestible format for non-specialists. I’m a really strong believer that our research isn’t much good if we can’t also communicate it, so it was really neat to get to make a real effort at turning our research in to something more broadly accessible. Congrats to the other recipients of the Domus prizes, and congrats to everyone who spoke, you were all amazing!”
Principal Nick Leimu-Brown said;
“Congratulations to all who took part in this year’s Domus Prize presentations. I thought that the quality of presentations were extremely high and the event was a fantastic showcase for Linacre talent.”