The second lecture in the ‘Communicating Culture: New Horizons for Museums’ series will be presented by Katrien Keune.  Katrien is the Head of Science at the Rijksmuseum and Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam.

In her lecture, Professor Keune will explore how integrating scientific research in to museums can enhance public engagement and understanding. Drawing on her experience at the Rijksmuseum, she will discuss ‘Operation Night Watch’ – a live and public examination of Rembrandt’s painting, The Night Watch, and ‘Mission Masterpiece’ – an interactive children’s exhibition on conservation science. Her lecture will address methods for communicating complex science to diverse audiences, balancing accessibility with depth, and fostering a deeper appreciation for art-making and conservation. Leveraging public surveys and case studies, Keune will showcase the benefits of transparency in museum practices and the potential to attract and educate new and existing audiences.

Katrien Keune is a leading researcher at the intersection of art history and the natural sciences, using her chemical expertise to preserve cultural heritage and enrich art historical interpretation. From 2019 to 2023, she worked on the project ‘Operation Night Watch’ which was the most comprehensive study of one of Rembrandt’s masterpieces ever undertaken, drawing global attention from both scholars and the media.

The lecture can be watched live in the Tanner Room or joined online at the below Microsoft Teams link:

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