The Italian Linacre Society will be having their 23rd annual gathering in Venice on Saturday 5th April. The Principal and one of our Research Fellows, Leonardo Bonetti, will be attending and Leonardo will be giving a special talk. All alumni and friends of the College are most welcome to join and a full programme can be found below:

  • 10.30     Convening of participants and welcome
  • 11.00     Laura Massetti (Carlsberg Visiting Fellow, Linacre College 2020-2023; Università di Napoli L’Orientale) –  “Gli inni antichi come sonate poetiche: un’indagine interdisciplinare”
  • 11.30     Leonardo Bonetti (Research Fellow, Linacre College, Oxford; Associate Professor, Aarhus University) – “Esplorare il cervello attraverso la musica: uno sguardo unico sulle neuroscienze”
  • 12.00     Nick Leimu-Brown, Principal of Linacre – “Linacre College update and future plans”  
  • 12.30     Meeting of the Italian Linacre Society
  • 13.30     Lunch at the Trattoria Mocenigo, Salizada San Stae 1919
  • 15.30     For those who would like to stay in Venice in the afternoon, we arranged a guided visit of the Museo of the Basilica di San Marco

If you wish to sign up for this event, please email by 27th March, indicating whether you would like to join for lunch and/or the tour of the Museo of the Basilica di San Marco.