Linacre College has a large fellowship consisting of Junior Research Fellows, Research Fellows, Adjunct Fellows, Governing Body Fellows, Honorary Fellows and Emeritus Fellows.

These are leading academics with international and interdisciplinary research backgrounds who play an active role in College life – you can access a full list of Linacre Fellows via our people at Linacre page.

Our Junior Research Fellow community is one of the largest groups of JRFs at any college in Oxford. Their wide range of research areas span from Social and Natural Sciences to Humanities.

Many fellows act as advisors to students for pastoral guidance, while holding research and teaching positions in faculties across the University. Linacre’s egalitarian structure means that Fellows, students and staff interact while dining and at academic and social events, fostering a friendly academic environment for ideas and inspiration to be shared.

Fellows are invited to engage with the Linacre Seminar Series, to dine in College at regular mealtimes and Guest Nights and may be expected to act as a College Advisor to Linacre students. For more information about the facilities, opportunities and support available to fellows please view the Fellows Handbook 

Funds are available to fellows of Linacre College for research purposes, this may include costs related to travel and research activities including those that are online, as well as other academic activities including membership fees of professional bodies and open-access publication charges. Junior Research Fellows are, in addition, entitled to apply for an annual research materials allowance.

Please use this link to apply for funds. If you have any questions regarding the application process, feel free to contact the Academic Office