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Linacre alumna Alice Bischof (2016) is Vice Chair of the Cities Without Hunger, Germany. She started working for the NGO during her BSc in Agricultural Sciences back in 2014. During her MSc in Oxford, you might have seen her walking around with a lettuce in her hands, the symbol of CIDADES SEM FOME.
Linacre Continuing Member, Dr Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen, is lead author of a new UN report, formed around her research with Oxford Refugee Studies Centre, ‘State of the Humanitarian Energy Sector 2022 (SOHES)’.
Alumna, Shannon Wilson, is the Head of Education and Outreach at EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin. When the museum launched a temporary exhibition called Out in the World: Irelands LGBTQ+ Diaspora, it was Shannon’s role to interpret the exhibition for wider audiences including schools and families visiting the museum. In the below article, she shares with us her experience.
I recently completed my DPhil in Materials, with a thesis looking at the direct visualisation of the surface chemistry of tin dioxide nanoparticles using powerful electron microscopes.
Linacre is a vibrant and culturally diverse college with good support structures for international students. All staff go an extra mile to ensure your academic success and the community has varied interests to accommodate anyone and everyone.
I aim to explore higher education administration and professionalisation. As part of this research, I will be conducting a case study of research and international offices in order to gain insight into this topic.
Linacre’s community embodies openness and equality, and they actually mean it! Surely one of the rare hospitable and fun colleges in Oxford!
As part of the Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health,I am currently studying for a DPhil, with a thesis looking at the role of syncytiotrophoblast extracellular vesicles in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. In November 2022, I was invited to present their paper at the 8th South Asian Association for Physiologists’ Conference in Sri Lanka.
I have found the aura and atmosphere at Linacre created by the tightly knit graduate student body to be supportive, intellectually stimulating, and fun to be around. We come from all over the world and have a wide range of interests. This diversity makes for a vibrant and stimulating intellectual community.
Studying for a Master of Public Policy, I have completd a wide range of modules during my studies, both practical and theoretical. This has included topics such as the politics of policymaking, negotiation skills, public budgeting, and law and public policy.I am grateful to the community I have found at Linacre, from the diversity of students to the wonderful College staff, that have made Linacre feel like a home.
Having started my study in 2021, I am currently studying for a DPhil in Zoology, with a focus on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) more specifically, on Escherichia coli clonality and Antimicrobial Resistance from Bangladesh in the perspective of One Health. As part of my research, I am investigating the drivers of AMR and the seasonal variations and effects of environmental factors on AMR.
I am studying for a DPhil in Biomedical Imaging at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, looking at links between magnetic neuroimaging measures and genetics across species. I have presented my work at yearly international conferences throughout my DPhil. I enjoy presenting to general audiences and have given talks at the Pint of Science festival and the Linacre Seminar series in 2023.
My DPhil experience at Linacre has been extraordinary. I loved being an active part of the community in the early years, from my role as CR Treasurer – organising, among others, the Linacre Ball – to my role as Junior Dean. nces and showcase my research locally and internationally.
Before coming to Oxford, I completed a five-year integrated master’s programme in Nanotechnology where I specialised in nanoelectronics. Now studying for a DPhil in Materials, I aim to build hardware for the computers of the future using light as the signal carrier instead of electrons – called photonic computing.
Connecting with post-graduates from so many different disciplines has been much easier than I expected for a PhD.
I have been studying for a DPhil in Anthropology since 2019, specifically examining effects of social media. Within the context of my home country, Kosovo, I am exploring the ‘subjectivities of the virtual’ and aims to understand the role of ‘new’ social medias.
I love the strong sense of unity and solidarity within the Linacre community, and I admire the dedication of the College to create an inspiring and safe space for students coming from different corners of the globe.
I am studying for a DPhil in Molecular and Cellular Medicine at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology. Having started my studies in 2019, I have been examining how molecular drivers prevent excessive immune cell activation by blocking the NLRP3 inflammasome, a key activator of inflammation. I came to Oxford in 2019 to start my PhD in Molecular and Cellular Medicine after having grown up and studied in Germany. Coming here was a very exciting step for me and I still remember how warmly I was welcomed by the student community at Linacre, which made this move very easy.
I completed my Dphil investigating the potential impact of mitigating factors, such as calorie restriction, on the progression of radiation-induced leukaemogenesisand the characterisation of haematopoietic stem cells. During my time at Linacre, I also held the Green Studentship, wokring to champion the sustainable ethos of the College.
In June 2023, I successfully defended my PhD viva! The love and support I received from my amazing Linacre family was off the charts.
I studied for a MSc in Psychological Research within the department of Experimental Psychology. During my studies, I explored the philosophical foundations of psychology, brain and cognition and affective science, as well as developing research and methodological skills.
After completing my undergraduate degree in a small and international university, finding a close-knit cohort of like-minded individuals in a large research institution like Oxford was important to me. I was surprised with how quickly I found this at Linacre, and can truely say that my friends became a crucial part of enriching my overall MSc experience.
I am completing a DPhil in Population Health.My DPhil research looks at the impact of digital communications on food decision-making among young adults in my home country, Jamaica, and the UK.
Linacre is an inclusive and diverse community. We’re encouraged to work hard while enjoying the opportunities that the college environment and the University have to offer. For me, it’s meant making new friends on matriculation day, becoming editor for the Linacre Lines magazine and attending my first rowing event. These are the stuff that memories are made of.
I studied for an MBA at Said-Business School. During my studies, I have explored topics of machine learning for business, marketing, negotiations, and business finance among many others modules that have heightened my entrepreneurial skills.
Being at Linacre has provided an opportunity to interact with a vibrant and diverse community of students from all over the world. Linacre has offered lots of ways to get involved in student life from common room game nights, potlucks and being part of the lovely bar staff.
I am a MPhil student in the field of Global and Area Studies. This programme aims to equip students with an interdisciplinary understanding of different world regions, enabling them to address global challenges from a comparative area studies perspective. In this context, my research is focused on exploring the dynamics of citizen-driven initiatives that emerge in societies facing social injustice and poverty.
Joining the intellectually vibrant community at Linacre has empowered me to immerse myself in a culture that celebrates groundbreaking research and academic brilliance. Here, my exploration into social (in)justice has been fostered, reaching a high point with the prestigious acknowledgement of the Linacre Mulder Fund Hilary Term 2023 award. The college is bursting with varied array of educational and social events, assuring a balanced and enriching experience for each member
I have submitted for their Dphil in Anthropolgoy, in which I looked at Climate Change on the Galapagos Islands with a focus on cultural translation, perception and response.
It was an incredible privilege to be able to conduct ethnographic research on the Galápagos Islands about the farming challenges faced in the archipelago. Despite the challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, I am excited to be able to share my research with the academic community. I am grateful to Linacre College and the University of Oxford for this opportunity.
I am studying for a DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development with the department of Continuing Education. My thesis centres around the economic geography of public investment management, looking specifically at the economics of agglomeration in cities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I began my DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development in 2021 and my research focuses on understanding the spatial distribution of urban economic activity in Africa. I am interested in urban economics and the role of public financial management systems in shaping resilience. I’m a macroeconomist with the International Monetary Fund and a national of Colombia and Malta.
Alumni Dinner at the Bardo Social Bistro & Bar in Bangkok.
23rd annual gathering of the Italian Linacre Society.
We are delighted to invite all alumni who matriculated between 2014 and 2019 to the Gaudy.
We are delighted to invite all alumni who matriculated between 2002 and 2007 to the Gaudy.
Step into History and join us for a captivating afternoon at The London Archives.
We are delighted to invite you to the first-ever Linacre Alumni gathering in Shanghai.
Linacre’s Head of Alumni Relations and Development and Bursar are coming to Tokyo. Join them for an alumni dinner.
Linacre’s Head of Alumni Relations and Development and the Bursar are coming to Manchester. Join them for dinner at the Banyan Corn Exchange.
Alumni dinner at a venue in central Bristol.
We’re delighted to inform that Linacre’s Head of Alumni Relations and Development, Lisa Smårs, and the Bursar, David Seale, will be visiting Toronto in April to meet with local alumni.
Join the third lecture in this exciting series.
The second lecture in this series: Writing Medieval Economic History during the Interwar Years - Professor Maxine Berg
Join us for the first lecture in our new 'Uncovering Women’s History' lecture series.
We are thrilled to extend a special invitation to join our Head of Alumni Relations and Development, Lisa Smårs and the Linacre Bursar, David Seale, for dinner on Wednesday 15th May in Lausanne.
We are delighted to invite you to join a Linacre alumni lunch in Chicago at 1pm on 21st April.
Join us for dinner in Berlin with Principal Nick Leimu-Brown on Thursday 11th April.