CR Executive Team
President: Peter Bristow
Treasurer: Kenneth Lim
Secretary: Sangkavi Kuhan
Welfare and Equality Officers: Liberty Travis
Welfare and Equality Officer: Lubasi Limweta
Social Secretary: Daniel Bell
Social Secretary: Yama Mujadidi
Social Secretary: Teodoro D'Agostino Garcia
Development and Charities Officer: Nina Vinther
Environment officer: Angela Zhang
CR Publicity Officer: Nicole Okpokiri
Oxford SU Representative: Shaniek Parks
Trustee Fellows Rep: Tarick El-Baba
CR Fellow Rep - Mads Senstius
Non Exec Reps
Wine and Dine Officer - Charlotte Ball
Food and Drink Rep - Sean Telford
LGBTQ Rep - Hayden Ramm
Punt Admiral: Will Bowles
Women's Officer - TBC
International Officer - Savior Chisenga
Race and Ethnic Minority Rep - Nadia Talukder
Ball President: Marshall Goude
Ball Secretary - Munchen Zhou
Ball Treasurer - Svea Wupper